It is impossible to enter a kitchen in Dubai without noticing the flashing light on the ceiling. That small device with the annoying alarm that is triggered whenever someone tries to smoke a cigarette or maybe burn incense inside the house is essential to protect your house from fire, but does it really protect it?
Smoke detectors have been used for decades, but today without smart smoke detectors, your house is not protected from fire.
Both smart smoke detectors and traditional ones serve the same purpose, and both of them alert you when there is a fire. Hence, smart detectors do not add any value right? Well, this is a big NOOOO!
When it comes to fire, the point is not only to detect smoke, but to do so fast, and alert you ASAP. Getting an alarm late is almost the same as not getting it.
Traditional devices offer better prices, but less value. They are simple, and easy to use, but less effective. Using them is not a waste of money till the moment you get a call from the neighbours saying: We smell smoke from your house.
Smart smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are the new trend in home security. They have more than just smoke detection to offer due to the implementation of the latest technology.
The new smoke detectors are all connected to Wifi with a special app installed in your phone. In case of fire, or smoke detection the device will automatically send a notification to your phone with details like (the room where the fire is detected and the time of the alarm).
Smart smoke detectors are a part of the new smart home devices, which means they can be integrated to the system. You can use them to create a scenario for safety, for example: when smoke is detected, the system automatically turns on the lights and unlocks the doors to help you and your family evacuate the place faster.
Many smart detectors automatically test their batteries and sensors, notifying you if something is wrong. With regular testing, you will ensure they are always active and effective in protecting your house from the risk of fire.
Smoke detectors are known for their annoying false alarms as they can trigger an alarm from steam while cooking for example. Smart smoke detectors are made to provide better accuracy with enhanced sensors, and the use of AI to analyze situations
Some modern smoke detectors use new types of sensors such as photoelectric and ionization sensors for detecting both fast-burning and smouldering fires, as well as carbon monoxide sensors.
To this day, many people still use traditional smoke detectors and here are the reasons
Traditional smoke detectors are generally cheaper than smart detectors. They are the common choice for people do not already have a smart home system
The technology used to detect fire and smoke is still effective. It can be reliable, especially for buildings where the sensors are monitored by security personnel.
Smart smoke or carbon detectors are more expensive than traditional ones, but this should not mean that installing smart detectors will cost you a fortune.
First of all, you should know that you can use smart smoke detectors without having a smart home system. you only need those if you want to have integrations. Commonly, you can just use them to detect smoke and send notifications to your smartphone.
Smart Smoke detectors are also quite cost-effective, and most of them have batteries that last for months or even years. Hence, when calculating the total cost, you will be saving money even though you have had more initial costs.
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